速報APP / 個人化 / Chroma Kustom Pack

Chroma Kustom Pack





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本


Chroma Kustom Pack(圖1)-速報App

This is not a stand-alone app; make sure you have Kustom Pro apps.

Chroma Kustom Pack features 1-screen presets with highly customizable komponents that, if you choose to, change color every time you switch the background wallpaper directly* from your home or lock screen!

*This practicality is possible with ADroid Kustom Actions (Wallpaper Changer) that even allows you copy/pasting an image! Plus, having the AKA addons you can control brightness, volumes, location mode, mobile data, clock alarms, and other settings. TO USE WITHOUT AKA Wallpaper Changer all you have to do is link each komponent's WPaper to the global WPaper.


• Chroma WALLPAPER supports Auto Rotate, Portrait and Landscape orientations

• Chroma LOCK supports only Portrait orientation mode

• AKA Wallpaper Changer demos for LW and LCK


• Open app

Chroma Kustom Pack(圖2)-速報App

• Touch the preset thumbnail to load it in KLWP or KLCK respectively

• Tap the Save icon

• If necessary, set as live wallpaper or lock screen

KOMPONENTS with global values for colors, sizes, items visibility, etc. There’s even an option to use Kustom or HD Widgets weather services, if you like HDW’s weather notification!

Chroma NOTIFICATIONS scrolls in and out touching the background or by itself when you have or dismiss notifications.

• Device (Open Settings)

• Weather (Force Weather Update)

• Music (Open Player - Play/Pause in icon)

• Permanent Notifications if enabled and exist (Open Notification)

Chroma Kustom Pack(圖3)-速報App

• Cancellable Notifications if exist (Open Notification - Dismiss in icon)

Chroma WEATHER scrolls in touching the Weather in DASHBOARD or NOTIFICATIONS, and scrolls out in 10 sec or touching the blur sidebar.

• Current weather and Forecast (Forecast is based on UltimateGraph created by Masoaka Taro)

Chroma AGENDA scrolls in touching the Date in DASHBOARD, and scrolls out in 10 sec or touching the blur sidebar.

• Next 10 Events with Date Number toggle, Calendar Name and Calendar Color (Open Event in Calendar app)

Chroma MUSIC fades in when current state is "playing" and fades out when it's not. It also scrolls in and out touching the background to reveal or hide NOTIFICATIONS.

• Invisible Hotspots for Music Control over Cover Image (Previous/PlayPause/Next) and Text Information (Vol-/OpenPlayer/Vol+)

Chroma FAB and SLICE

• Blur filter toggle

Chroma Kustom Pack(圖4)-速報App

• Dim filter toggle

• Tap 1-2-3-4 times for AKA (Wallpaper Changer): Next, Previous, Paste, Options

• App shortcuts: Phone, Messaging, Gmail, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube and Chrome

Chroma DASHBOARD / DASHBOARD LOCK (variation for LOCK with * not available)

• Clock (Open Clock)

• Next Alarm (AKA Alarms addon)

• WiFi (Toggle WiFi)

• Mobile data toggle (AKA MobileData addon)

• Location mode toggle (AKA Location addon)

Chroma Kustom Pack(圖5)-速報App

• Free Internal Storage* (Open Storage settings)

• Free Memory* (Open App usage)

• Battery level (Open Battery settings)

• Weather (Force Weather Update)

• Date with number and weekday

• Media Volume toggle* (-4 if Volume is present or +4 if not)

• Play/Pause toggle*

• Brightness level toggle* (AKA Brightness addon)

• Device AKA Settings* (AKA Settings addon)

Chroma Kustom Pack(圖6)-速報App

Chroma DOCK (for LOCK)

• App shortcuts: Phone, Messaging, Gmail, Chrome

• Media Volume toggle (-4 / +4)

• Play/Pause toggle

• Brightness level toggle (AKA Brightness addon)

• Device AKA Settings (AKA Settings addon)

• Blur filter toggle, Dim filter toggle, and Tap 1-2-3-4 times for AKA (Wallpaper Changer): Next, Previous, Paste, Options

Chroma VINOTIFICATIONS: NAVBAR (color icon counter between Navigation Bar buttons) / BAR (title, text and time - present in LOCK) / DOCK (app icon counter present in LOCK)

• VINotifications stand for 'Very Important Notifications': These 3 useful variations show counters or information about Calendar Events of the day, Missed Calls, Unread SMS, Unread Gmail, and Notifications of WhatsApp, Skype and Twitter. All with enable/disable visibility toggles.

Chroma Kustom Pack(圖7)-速報App


For support or suggestions send an email to mgh.adroid@gmail.com and I will gladly reply.

Chroma Kustom Pack(圖8)-速報App